bookmark_borderInterview for the Neverwinter Nights Podcast

(Cross-posted from the xoreos website)

This past Saturday, I was being interviewed for the Neverwinter Nights Podcast about the xoreos project. I talked a bit how this project got started, what I’m focusing on and about the current situation.

Not being used to being interviewed, or speaking English for that matter, my nervousness is quite audible. But I hope I still got my points across. 🙂

So, if you’re interested, give it a listen.

bookmark_borderxoreos needs your help

TL;DR: xoreos needs contributors badly. Especially OpenGL wizards. I might give you cake.

(If you haven’t heard about xoreos yet, please read the short introduction on its website, or my previous blog post about it before continuing with this post. Thanks.)

The xoreos logo: the word "xoreos" rendered in neon green

People who are following xoreos a bit will already have noticed this: development has slowed considerably.

This has several causes:
1) I’m a bit busy-ish with real life
2) I’ve got (too many) other projects
3) Motivation is a bit low

Continue reading “xoreos needs your help”

bookmark_borderYearly Update, Part II: eos

[Minor Update: Because of name clashes, eos has been renamed to xoreos.]

[Major Update: xoreos needs your help!]

As promised in my last post, I will now talk about eos.

“What is eos?”, I hear you ask. Well, in short, it’s an open source project I started to portably reimplement BioWare‘s 3D engines, starting with Neverwinter Night‘s Aurora engine. Quite a daring task, and one I can’t begin to hope to finish on my own, especially since I’m not really that versed in all that 3D stuff. But working on it is fun and scratches an itch, and maybe more people will join me in that particular quest some day.

Continue reading “Yearly Update, Part II: eos”